The WOODual project (Wood sector and Dual Learning for Youth Employment and Skills) is funded with the financial support of the European Commission, Erasmus+ KA2 - Strategic Partnerships, budget heading 2013- 4921/001-001, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices


Project Coordinators:
Giovanni Albetti FEDERLEGNO (Italy)

WOODUAL OUTPUT 6: Training course addressed to training specialists working in companies and VET institutions

WOODual Project, presentation and introduction to Wood sector and Dual Learning for youth employment and skills by Federlegno arredo

Dual Learning and Wood sector in Europe

Role of tutor and VET schools in WOODual project and mobility programs (by EEO Group)

Documents for transnational work-based learning programme by Adapt

Virtual Training: online Training course for preparation before, during and after the mobility by BFI