Bulletin No. 10/2015
Bulletin No. 10/2015
Download @PaoloTomassetti congress paper on Ecological conversion of workplaces and wages here http://t.co/srVAFZtTnY #ilera2015
— ilera2015 (@ilera2015) August 31, 2015
#JobQuality across #European Countries: Drivers of Change and #Policy Implications, http://t.co/DhJ1SQSHy4 @89fede_romano @eurofound
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 9, 2015
#CloudComputing: An enabler in Modern #LabourMarket, by @SarfarazGhulamM & @MSalimi_ADAPT, http://t.co/AFLNzWuGpT pic.twitter.com/hMqv7rFjJE
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 9, 2015
The Vast Majority of #Employees in #Germany Are Satisfied with Their #Jobs, http://t.co/DsdsYLOGvm
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 15, 2015
3rd #European #CompanySurvey–#Workplace #Innovation (#WPI) in European companies, http://t.co/gSqi6PXdj3 @eurofound pic.twitter.com/lvTv6X3Kjg
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 9, 2015
#Luxembourg: #Act of 23 July 2015 on Reform of social dialogue http://t.co/oi1k8iHI66 @adapt_rel_ind
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 2, 2015
Developments in #collectively agreed #pay 2014,http://t.co/s9HA9AaUN8 @eurofound @bollettinoADAPT
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 31, 2015
#EU #employers’ organisations and #tradeunions agree on a #work programme 2015-2017, https://t.co/6IPp8cCYn8 @etuc_ces
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 16, 2015
#France: LOI n° 2015-994 du 17 août 2015 relative au dialogue social et à l'emploi,http://t.co/MzfacsnfaK @FSperotti
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 18, 2015
#Report: Creating a #Union with a “#Human Face”: A #European #Unemployment #Insurance, http://t.co/v3u0AXgqKY
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 13, 2015
#Social dumping at #work: uses and abuses of the posted work framework in the #EU,http://t.co/1L8o2c0BQn @ETUI_org
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 7, 2015
Upgrading or #polarisation?#Longterm & global #shifts in the #employment structure: European Jobs Monitor 2015,http://t.co/2tO784iPyp
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 13, 2015
#Job #tenure in turbulent times, new by @eurofound http://t.co/mX3NQGIRK3 #EconomicCrisis @Michele_ADAPT pic.twitter.com/VRkGe9q3Kh
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 16, 2015
Solutions for #Youth #Employment #StrategicPlan, 2015 – 2020, https://t.co/29i9ytLnT6 @Michele_ADAPT @bollettinoADAPT
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 13, 2015
Convergence and divergence of #job #quality in Europe 1995–2010 @eurofound http://t.co/zrGyD3Nd96 @ADAPT_bulletin
— Federica Romano (@89fede_romano) August 25, 2015
#EU> #Integration of long-term #unemployed into the labour market: report on Member State progress http://t.co/CWcsHfGCyG @ADAPT_bulletin
— Silvia Spattini (@SilviaSpattini) September 9, 2015
#PublishedToday: @OECD #Employment Outlook 2015, http://t.co/J9cBlU2kPQ #PhD_MS @Michele_ADAPT @EMassagli #newbook pic.twitter.com/yffsLEDJIT
— Meysam Salimi (@MSalimi_ADAPT) July 9, 2015
Les emplois vacants: la moitié se situe dans les petites entreprises http://t.co/RBvZmPNOHC via @Minist_Travail @ADAPT_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 12, 2015
The State of the #US. #LaborMarket: Pre-September 2015 #Jobs Release, https://t.co/G4auPloztp @amprog
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 3, 2015
Proceedings of the Workshop > The Impact of the Crisis on #Skills Shortages @Europarl_EN http://t.co/Eir2SDhZZ4 @ADAPT_bulletin @lillicasano
— Silvia Spattini (@SilviaSpattini) August 17, 2015
#Youth Education & #Entrepreneurship http://t.co/5VUnarC0lf @ADAPT_bulletin @ADAPTformazione
— Silvia Spattini (@SilviaSpattini) August 17, 2015
New priorities for #European cooperation in #education #training http://t.co/usWUdatuC0 Draft Joint Report of the Council and @EU_Commission
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 7, 2015
#Vocational #education and #training personnel in #Germany, http://t.co/U0DNwYkN5T #PhD_MS @EMassagli
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 8, 2015
#Analysis and #overview of national #qualifications framework #NQF in the #EU, http://t.co/5yKBk84YQ5 #NewReport pic.twitter.com/RGgRjBnOda
— Meysam Salimi (@MSalimi_ADAPT) July 18, 2015
Unleashing the potential: Transforming #TVET http://t.co/zLSsG1ff4G | @GlobalKSP
— Careers&Transitions (@ADAPTformazione) July 6, 2015
#maternityleave #provisions in the #EU Member States: #Duration and #allowances, http://t.co/ztTwd7H6Sz @eurofound
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 14, 2015
Avg. length of #agencywork #assignments varies across the world. Check out this #graph to see the differences! pic.twitter.com/ZOUew0z0A8
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 30, 2015
#Germany: #Temporary staffing industry reported growth throughout 2014 Staffing Industry Analysts report https://t.co/Uybmja6rdw
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 22, 2015
#Green #skills and #innovation for inclusive growth in #GreenEconomy by @Cedefop http://t.co/gnTB9pG8Wz #Employment pic.twitter.com/ZykRa2Fbfy
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 15, 2015
#Report: Review of #successful Occupational Safety and Health @EU_OSHA benchmarking initiatives,https://t.co/oLYO5KOwjr @ADAPT_sicurezza
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 7, 2015
#Workingconditions and #sustainable work: some actions. New #CEE publication (FR) http://t.co/1MK9RWAh3H @89fede_romano @ADAPT_bulletin
— Francesca Sperotti (@FSperotti) September 7, 2015
Many #older #women face lack of security in their #pension coverage. http://t.co/LpdRfpEGg6 pic.twitter.com/EpMs5TFEc8 @UN_Women
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 8, 2015
The silver economy: Opportunities from #ageing (European Parliamentary Research Service) http://t.co/HB2KMZSkcI @FSperotti @ADAPT_bulletin
— Silvia Spattini (@SilviaSpattini) July 17, 2015
Potential consequences of the forthcoming #demographic change declining working-age population http://t.co/Ou8OdvolNC pic.twitter.com/FKX5ZoBL0y
— Laura Vinci (@LauraVinci88) July 17, 2015
How Have #Employment Transitions for #OlderWorkers in #Germany and the #UK Changed? http://t.co/MSBnC7FRMU
— Meysam Salimi (@MSalimi_ADAPT) August 15, 2015
Encouraging #adult #learning, by @Cedefop http://t.co/q2niz4044z @ADAPTformazione @bollettinoADAPT
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 13, 2015
#Job #creation and job #loss at a glance, http://t.co/Kn85sw0oxw @eurofound
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 29, 2015
@OECD #employment rate increases to 66.1% in first quarter of 2015, http://t.co/64pwTCX5Bl @bollettinoADAPT pic.twitter.com/aRe43p0Wzn
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 17, 2015
Proportion of early #SchoolLeavers in the #EU notably higher for non-EU citizens than for nationals,http://t.co/hqXom6sKLw @EU_Eurostat
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 24, 2015
August edition of the @Eurociett #AgencyWork Business Indicator, http://t.co/h9QhVmzuoI @FSperotti
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 31, 2015
#Euro area #unemployment rate at 10.9% #EU28 at 9.5%, http://t.co/UBx0FKQ9qP @EU_Eurostat @LauraVinci88
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 3, 2015
#Union Takes a McDonald’s Challenge Overseas http://t.co/PtdihcdQM0 via @nytimes @ADAPT_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 20, 2015
Travail dominical: Mailly compte détricoter la loi #Macron par un "recours juridique" http://t.co/GFlVVTiybF @ADAPT_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 20, 2015
Michael Blanding, Who is Boss in the #SharingEconomy? http://t.co/6vdDa1hI82 via @HarvardHBS #Uber @adapt_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 24, 2015
"Schwartz: Work that is adequately compensated is an important social good. But so is work that is worth doing" http://t.co/igtegY5Ela
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 30, 2015
Valls lance le délicat chantier de la réforme du droit du travail http://t.co/y9UNWCrzZ7 via @LesEchos @ADAPT_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) August 31, 2015
Workers and wages: Our turn to eat http://t.co/B3wZlr8sTf via @TheEconomist @adapt_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) September 4, 2015
The pushback against unfair labor practices http://t.co/lt3UkH0ec1 @HaroldMeyerson via @washingtonpost @adapt_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) September 4, 2015
Code du travail: la réforme promise n'est pas pour demain! http://t.co/2qgoey5aJK via @le_scan_eco @adapt_bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) September 7, 2015
Droit du travail: @_Terra_Nova propose de déroger par accords d'entreprises http://t.co/iKHZhIZIef via @Challenges @ADAPT_Bulletin
— Michele Tiraboschi (@Michele_ADAPT) September 7, 2015
Why #union members are better off http://t.co/hV301wbozQ @adapt_rel_ind @PaoloTomassetti @bollettinoADAPT
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) September 8, 2015
Companies need an option between #contractor and #employee http://t.co/VXjfFsecJn pic.twitter.com/8UzrtNGXh1 @HarvardBiz
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) August 31, 2015
#SaveTheDate: 6-7Nov2015 #Bergamo #ADAPT & #UNIBG #Conf on "The Great Transformation of Work http://t.co/oj1QOLkdbQ pic.twitter.com/kjOyxcEfa2
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 1, 2015
#SaveTheDate: #CFP 10th Annual Global #Labour University #Conference, (30 Sept. ‐2 Oct. 2015) http://t.co/lLxwDNpMSi pic.twitter.com/TLwQu88FTE
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) April 6, 2015
#SavetheDate: 13-14 June #2016 V Int. Conf. on #PrecariousWork and #VulnerableWorkers #London http://t.co/f32IWdJ0q4 Thank you for RT
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) January 14, 2015
New call for #internship periods at #ADAPT http://t.co/eznyZ7haLp
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) November 10, 2014
#ADAPT E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies is out! http://t.co/ySL7gqCyNF pic.twitter.com/QukMyjCQl5
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) July 1, 2015
How Global #Migration Changes the #Workforce Diversity #Equation, http://t.co/AHVXn2HW7q @ADAPT_Press @FSperotti
— ADAPTinternational (@ADAPT_bulletin) May 12, 2015