LIBRA is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, budget heading, Industrial Relations and Social DialogueProject Partner : CISL
CISL – Confederation of Trade Unions in Italy is the second largest Confederation of Trade Unions in Italy (19 major National branch (sector) Federations: e.g. metalworkers, chemical, textile workers, public employees, service, agricultural workers, etc., and 9 other, as we say, secondary Federations), affiliates salaried, white and blue collar employees, through its branch or sector Federations on the basis of non-denominational, non-partisan and non-ideological values and principles. Cisl policies are: social dialogue and participation; jobs, southern Italy and its development, work time reduction; the new welfare state and the family; institutional reform; the associative model and trade-union unity. CISL is a founding member of the ETUC (European Trade Unions Confederation) and of the ITUC (International Trade Unions Confederation).
Visit the offical website here