YOUnion is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, budget heading, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue.SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR
Maarten Keune
SZGTI: YOUnion Co-Applicant
The almost 40 years old SZGTI is presently a non-profit foundation carrying out research and counselling activities aiming to help the trade unions and social partners within the framework of EU accession. In 2001 SZGTI is converted into Public Utility Foundation with the participation of MSZOSZ and is open now to all other five Hungarian confederations to take part in it. The institute guiding principle is taking into consideration the interest of the entire trade union movement. Areas of expertise and competencies are atypical work, collective bargaining, equal rights, European companies, European Union, Social Partners in the European Union, European Works Councils, Health and Safety, information society, interest reconciliation, labour market, lifelong learning, lifelong guidance, regional studies, sectoral level researches, social dialogue, social partners, social security, trade union poll, wage and wage issue, counselling activity, EU tenders and grants, elaboration of topics, preparing tender materials, translations, translation and interpretation of EU professional materials, preparing and editing publications, professional organisation of conferences and seminars, composition of conference papers and materials
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