The ENACTING project (Enable Cooperation and mutual learning for a fair posting of workers) is funded with the financial support of the European Union (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) within the EaSI Programme (the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation)


Project Coordinator:
Mrs Debora Giannini
Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne (Italy)


Strategic aim of the project

To strengthen practical cooperation and mutual learning among control authorities and social partners engaged in the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC on transnational posting of workers within EU, in the light of the new challenges settled by the Directive 2014/67/EU and by its transposition by Member States into national laws.

Specific ambits and activities

Cooperation among control authorities (Labour Ministries, Labour Inspectorates, other Ministries in charge of relevant functions in controls) to support an effective mutual assistance in administrative cooperation as requested by the Directive 2014/67/EU , proposing solutions to find the more effective procedures to facilitate cooperation. This specific line of action is pursued through the "ENACTING Administrative Cooperation Working Group" in charge of defining specific "Guidelines and practices for supporting mutual assistance in administrative cooperation for enforcement".

Cooperation among social partners (Trade Unions and Employers' associations) to define"Guidelines for the definition of European Collective Agreements" related to posting of workers. A specific focus will be on the ambit of subcontracting chains, also taking into account the peculiarities of two specific sectors: the building sector and the road transport sector. This line of action will is pursued through the "ENACTING Social Dialogue Working Group".

Mutual learning and exchange among administrative authorities and social partners. A specific line of action are the “Transnational Workshops on transposing for enforcement” (Florence, September 2015 - Bucharest, March 2016), promoting a transnational tripartite dialogue (control authorities, trade unions and employers organizations) at transnational level to debate and exchange about national laws transposing Directive 2014/67/UE in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Romania.

Visit the collaboration platform for the project here.