
Increasing Metalworkers’ representatives’ Awareness and Skills on Mental Health Protection & Promotion in the Workplace

Project Acronym: IncreMe(n)tal

Project Number: 101143366

Duration: 2024-2026


The project aims at providing quality training to trade unionists and workers’ representatives in the metalworking industry in 7 target countries and at transnational level, in order to increase their awareness concerning emerging psychosocial risks connected to work environment and work organisation, but also regarding the strategic role of social dialogue and collective bargaining initiatives in protecting and promoting workers’ mental health. This will be achieved through (1) the close cooperation between “research” partners, experts, trade unions and associate partners and through the delivery of 22 training sessions (at national and transnational level), organized thematically, taking into account sectoral and national peculiarities but also the international context and practices in the field; (2) the implementation of communication and dissemination activities designed to fit in with other European and international initiatives and gatherings organised on the theme of risk prevention and mental health promotion in the workplace. 

Structure & Thematic insights

The IncreMe(n)tal project is structured in the following Work Packages:
● WP1: Project coordination and monitoring, risk management and quality assurance
● WP2: Research activities and preparation for training
● WP3: Awareness raising & Training Activities
● WP4: Communication, Dissemination & Follow-up Activities
The following figure illustrates the overall structure of the work plan and the contribution of the BENs in terms of the co-ordination of the Tasks and WPs in which this project is organised.
IncreMe(n)tal Project: thematic insights and complementarity between research and training activities

Photo gallery


Project Manager (FIM CISL): Massimiliano Nobis (
International Office Manager (FIM CISL): Barbara Arsieni (
Scientific Coordinator (Fondazione ADAPT): dr. Margherita Roiatti (
Project Manager (Fondazione ADAPT & ADAPT): dr. Diletta Porcheddu (

Official account: @Increme_n_tal



Associate organisations:

Affiliated entity :